To those Older then me….


  1. Walmart
  2. Where is the nature?
  3. Concrete everywhere
  4. Sluts on the billboards, T.V, music
  5. Fracking Video Games
  6. Horrible Music
  7. You all stopped smoking Marijuana and told us it was bad
  8. You put us in the DARE program in school because you were convinced it was bad
  9. You gave my generation cancer
  10. You shoved artificial juice down our throats while telling us it was juice…
  11. You told us to EAT BEEF ITS WHATS FOR DINNER- Remember the T.V???
  12. You were convinced the real food our Grandmothers gave you was fake and you went to the store for better food
  13. You taught us to be lazy and convenience is the way to go
  14. You told us creativity is dead and to learn to be professional
  15. You taught us to take out loans
  16. You sent us to facilities with adults you said you could trust but we were raped instead
  17. You shoved us into a mind programming public school
  18. You forced needles to us even though we scram as babies and toddlers
  19. You told us to behave and that it would all be okay
  20. You convinced everyone terrorism is a real threat when really its an underground religious battle that dates back to Biblical times.
  21. You stopped watching Space after we landed on the moon
  22. You introduced us to cable T.V
  23. You introduced us to MTV
  24. Our Fathers introduced our sons to stripping poles and play boy because they did it first. Of course the kid will follow the parent.
  25. You drank in front of us. Oh its just a wine cooler it doesn’t mean anything.
  26. You taught us food is a comfort
  27. You lied to us about Santa Claus
  28. You shoved us in cramped living spaces called cities
  29. Most of us are obese because organic food is a rarity.
  30. You embraced Round up so you didn’t have to pull some damn weeds
  31. You sent us all to war in the name of religion and country.
  32. You shoved those older to you in nursing homes!!!!!!
  33. You taught your daughters how to wear make up
  34. One of the first things you taught your sons was to hold a gun
  35. You did not teach your children inner peace
  36. You failed to teach us meditation
  37. You decided oil was the way to go
  38. Nuclear Energy will free us all!
  39. You still continue to ignore everything
  40. Now all is polluted……………….


You expect me to follow your example??? Are you on crack?? Please share whatever you are smoking the delusions must be amazing!

Now I Have help to pull those older then me as well as the younger crowd out of this mess you all created????


Eleven Steps…

To a Peaceful world

  1. Your Religion is not the only one and we are learning more about ancient history today. I know that you might believe your religion is 100 percent correct whatever it is but what if that one piece of evidence shows everything everyone knows is wrong? Understand that what you believe to be truth is only YOUR truth and the truth of others like you. You need to be open to the idea that yours could possibly have error within it so that way your mind is open to listen to others of a different Religion! Within every Religion contains a different way to view life. I am sure you can at least view a few things in your own life differently or be open to that possibility whether its as simple as how you eat, dress, or view yourself. I am sure everyone can improve on something even you because not one of us is perfect!
  2. Accept you because we have enough of the same in this world. We need new ideas and community planning. We need new ways to thrive even if it means failure to certain aspects. We tried something new with Industrialization and obviously it has failed. We need something newer an update of sorts. Your creativity will help the rest of humanity live a better life. Even if the world does not know who you are.
  3. Fear leads to hate and avoidance. Look we have all been scared as a world since way before 9/11. 9/11 really put a shock into those of us who are younger who were born in the 80s and 90s to those of you older it probably did not surprise you as much to see a tragedy. On 9/11 I was in Catholic School a Sophomore. I knew nothing about the Muslim faith. I knew the faith existed and they dressed differently. I did not understand the differences or why. Because 9/11 happened I began opening my mind and embracing other faiths and cultures. I learned about the horror war can cause and I learned that supporting my country does not mean time under the military it means loving other people no matter who they are or where I go. It means growing food in an organic way and keeping my planet clean so all human and animal life is respected. 9/11 showed me the flaws of what seemed to be a good way of life at the time. It opened my eyes to knew ideas and the problems we face. It opened my eyes to how little I actually know and understand about war and poverty.
  4. Educate yourself. For some reason most of the people I personally know in America do not do a lot of education beyond college. That is if people go to college now. My parents generation could afford education but my generation is in a lot of debt and most of us have realized that college does not guarantee work. On a good note we have the internet and library as almost free resources. No matter where you are at in life you can find a library. If you can read this right now you have the ability to learn something every day. So learn one new idea a day even if that is all you can do. That way you are not afraid. In fact click the link tab above this screen and open this link It is really one of probably millions that contains random information and facts.
  5. Understand Race If you are Native American my heart really does go out to you. You are the one Race of people within the United States that has yet to gain any rights back from what you have lost. Sure you can speak and try to stand up for the planet but you are not being heard very loudly by mainstream media. It really breaks my heart. To every race the issues we have faced and continue to face including Caucasians is huge. The issues of separation do not lie within the human heart. Every human wishes to be accepted naturally by everyone. The issues lie through separation of language, boarders, laws, music, living style , and beliefs. Which leads to fear because we fear what we do not understand or know.  Because every race is shown a different music or a different culture we stick with that with the fear of learning something new or hearing it. We are afraid it will slap the creator in the face that we personally believe in. Or that we will not truly be that race or the way we were born if we experience something new. The reason why every race is shown something different is because each type of people has created there own system of living from where they originated from. Your culture from a hot climate is going to be different from a culture of a cold climate. Do you see? Go back to your roots no matter what race you are because your roots are unique. Go back through your history and you will learn that every race has oppressed their own and it continues to this day. We continue to oppress each other and there is not a good reason for it other then fear and misunderstanding. Once you understand the true history of your own race you need to go back through the history of every other race on this earth and learn it. That way there is no more room for fear and blame of oppression. If you oppress out of race you become the oppressor. Does that make sense? Do not hate the same race that oppresses you. They fear something to be so cruel. Personally I feel sad for those that fear people of another race especially in the year 2014. We should be ready to embrace life from another Galaxy by now. We cannot do that at all if we cannot embrace all life on our own planet!
  6. Eating Look being vegetarian is not a religious issue or belief issue it is a create a better planet issue. No just because I am vegan and you are a meat eater does not make me better then you and you are not better then me. We are losing acres upon acres of trees that are hundreds of years older then you! It is not fair and we need fresh oxygen on this planet to thrive! Please stop eating meat or at least agree to consume less. Can you agree to a meatless Monday and a Meatless Friday? Come on Catholics I used to be Catholic you give meat up for lent anyway on Friday!
  7. The Elderly. This week take the time out to talk to someone older then you. Not every older face you see is a person with dementia! The elderly are often left forgotten because they are not the models we often see on the cover of Vogue. They are not what you see in a healthy advertisement. You can see a “healthy” older person clapping their hands or going for a walk in a drug commercial but how many advertisements do you see directed towards the elderly to enhance their health?….cricket… going to be waiting long time for an answer if your media consists of regular T.V. No Viagra does not count! Neither do the insulin advertisements! These are people that know a lot more then you and have a lot to say. In fact their words often contain unwritten history and advice. I believe if you are younger you can learn something from someone older then you. So while you are in the grocery line say hi to that elderly man or woman behind you and ask them for random life advice. I can guarantee they will walk away feeling listened to and a little more better then what they did when they woke up this morning!
  8. The Younger people need to be listened to by the elderly. Despite how much make up or tattoos we carry we are not bad people. Time changed and the younger crowd expresses themselves in different ways. I know it is not exactly what we were born with but it is what was embraced. However we do have a drive to listen and learn and we do not want to be judged or put down. If you are older just like we need to talk with you more you need to talk with us more. Say hi to us at the store or randomly give us advice for our lives. Especially if you do notice something wrong. Quit shoving your parents in nursing homes. I hope your mom and dad wiped your rear while you were small. If they did it is now time to wipe theirs if they can no longer do so! It is called Karma baby! One day you will be older too…..
  9. Giving up one toxic thing this year may not make a world of difference but it can create a different and better you. If you drink to much or eat to much. Whatever it is you do to much its toxic. Did you watch to much Football this fall? Yes? Instead of watching Football this fall like you have every fall take the 6 hours and put it into a fall walk with the family or reading. Something other then the T.V! Keep in mind you can read the score for free on news sites. You don’t have to watch the game to be in the know!
  10. Love is the best and most important thing you can do today to make a difference. Even when you are mad do not get angry. Understand the reason why you are angry at something and see what you can change about it. Love is just that it is love. It has nothing to do with sex. It is simply looking into the eyes of another living creature and seeing that soul. Love is seeing the best in someone even if it is not apparent to you or them anyway. See the best in even your worst enemy even if we are at war.
  11. Be honest. Being honest to not only yourself and others in everything that you do will save you from further pain. So tell the truth and never make a bed you cannot get out of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These are eleven steps to a better you and world. If you can pick even just one of these ten things and do them consistently you will make a difference. It might not be obvious to you but it will have an impact greater then you will ever understand!  Thanks for reading this and participating!

Did Hitler escape Germany on a Subermine?

Well yes of course he did! Of course the FBI assisted and covered it up. He only fled to Argentina..(wait wasn’t our last pope from )Argentina a self proclaimed Nazi??!!! 

 All those hours in history class…pointless absolutely pointless. Read it and go for a walk or something no sense in getting angry everyone was played. Just know everything else you think is correct is most likely wrong.

What is the difference between a Grenade and a can of coke?

What is the difference between a Grenade and a can of coke?

Watch this video and see for yourself……

What are you going to do about it? Will you pick up one more? Just one more… Or is it time to throw your soda you just bought into a wall and watch it explode?

While you suffer the maker of your insulin is basking on a beach or sitting in a mansion somewhere…..all off the blood you draw every time you poke yourself! Later on he or she will make a lot more off the leg you will lose. Give it a few more years and the mortician will also gain wealth from your choices.

Everyone makes a dime off you. People think I am kidding when I say humans are born with a price tag…..


Is your Electronic device hurting others?

Yes and I am tired of you hurting me. Every time I go out in public I can feel the energy off the electronics around me. When you turn on your smart phone you should just hit me in the face with a 2X4 that is what it feels like. I really do not do anything to harm you. I do not own a dumb device or even eat meat. So can you stop hurting me please?

I know I know you love your family and you need to know they are safe all the time. You do not need those Apps like Angry Birds. That has nothing to do with talking to your family. So can you please get a cell phone that is not as harmful?

 How do electronics hurt others?

I have an aura just like you do. If you think auras and what not are just fluff then you are wrong. Science has proven they exist and it is time to crawl out from under the rock if you do not think they do and do some research. You can see an aura now through specialized photography. The aura protects you and me from outside influences it also allows me to feel things before my body feels them.

For example: Do you ever go out in a crowd and get that stomach clenching feeling that something horrible is going to happen and you should just stay away? I do. Do you ever ignore it then have something bad happen? I have. That is your aura working. It can feel before you that something is wrong because someone’s emotions are angry or violent around you. Your aura is telling you to get away before you physically get hurt. I know it sounds confusing but wild animals do this all the time.

When you turn on an electronic device it emits electromagnetic Radiation. This radiation penetrates through the aura causing it to weaken. After it cuts through the aura it goes right into your nervous system.aka your brain. This has a huge variety of unknown effects. What we do know it can cause Leukemia and brain tumors. The military uses high sound frequencies as a weapon. This should tell you something about your smart phone.

Its not so smart is it?

Be Smart and do your part to cut down on the pollution

  • Shut off your Wi-Fi Router when you are not home or you are sleeping
  • Keep your Smart Phone device off in Public unless you are making a call. Or you need it during working hours.
  • Shut your Phone off at Night
  • Unplug your microwave when it is not in use

You do not need electronics ON you 24/7. Give your body and mind a break for a few hours and just shut everything off. How much different do you feel?

Please stop punishing me and others along with the wildlife through your dumb devices. What did I do wrong to you? Why do you punish strangers through your every day actions? Stop doing harm! BE A HUMANE BEING NOT A HUMAN BEING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



What does the NFL Cost you?

Do you think the NFL pays the city property taxes?
Is the NFL a Charity?
These are just a couple of questions this video answers. Please take 6 minutes out of your day to watch this and do some research yourself.
Then Decide am I sold out? Over a game?
During 2015 please be aware of the NFL Football Season and ask yourself this question
What does the NFL cost me?

I am bored

I am bored and working is pointless. Not work itself. No I am not a lazy person I believe working for Gold is pointless. Working for a mineral “Good Girl!” is never going to get me anywhere. Its like Kindergarten for adults. Now the kid that behaves the best gets the candy bar. At least that’s what it was in my classroom in the 90s when I was a kid.

I call it mind training. If they can get you to work for candy as a child certainly you can learn to be a “Good adult” later and work for a mineral. It is amazing you all sacrifice family time only to find out you die and cannot take your house with you.

Within 4 generations the hard work you did for that house that the Monarchy really owns will be forgotten about and trashed. The kid that inherited it might remember the hard work you did for it. But their child won’t. They will not know you therefore they will never really respect you. Look at our United States Constitution….

We screwed that up didn’t we? (if a society can screw up a constitution your land and house are screwed!!!!)

You are working hard and losing time that you can never replaced. So what if you quit everything sold everything and simply went for a walk….

I am bored and I am going to go for a walk….

I am preparing now and I leave in 2015…

Yes there will be a blog on this so stay tuned…

I decided to do this because I got bored the other day. The super bowl news was pissing me off and its all I have heard about for a damn month now. It does not help that the day of my birthday falls on a Satanic Holiday just my fracking Karma! I am really sick of society and its b.s. so its time to go for a walk.

I went on a walk that was random and I did not stop until I was exhausted…in total 20 miles!

2015 will be epic!

How bored are you? Are you bored and pissed off enough yet to just say screw it and do something random? Or are you to attached to the Almighty Gold Oil and Diamonds aka the Eloheim?

Or do you love the Good? Yes there is something that rules higher then the Eloheim…

Have a good walk and I hope you take one!


Who is your Handler ???

Family Guy?

It seems wherever I go someone is watching this show at a library, on a ferry, bus, in their home, or walking down the street. Yes walking down the street.  I  saw a bus with a picture of a woman crossing a road texting not looking up and it was warning drivers to be aware of texting and walking. An ignorant society has been created: people are now texting while crossing the road and getting hit….

Some people think things like this are funny. They actually laugh at the pain of others first before asking if they are okay. Other people stand around to prevent the awkwardness of a potentially bad situation. Then you have another group who will simply dial 911 and wait for the professionals. People now just freeze and stare as if life itself is a T.V. show playing out in front of them. Why wouldn’t it be though? Blood, guts, murder, and rape are the new funny and the new excitement.

Have you ever asked a Stranger what their story is? Try it sometime. Usually you will hear a story start out that they grew up in a Christian family but someone raped and molested them. This is the norm today in American society. One out of Three women have been raped. All the teenagers you see walking down the street have either been or will be a future victim. One out of Three report a rape case. How many go unreported? How many people are molested a year that do not report it? Come to think of it…I have never heard one person say they have never been sexually taken advantage of in some way. Some of todays adults had a great childhood and it was another adult that hurt them! I cannot believe there are still adults taking advantage of other people! Adult what? I do not know.  Someone who does these things is certainly unhuman…or unhumane

So now I am asking myself: What is causing this Numbness? What is causing this to be the new normal? What is causing humans to stop being human? Why are we turning into monsters and losing our humanity?

The answer comes from the television or the ownership of the idiot box. It is really like the television owns people these days. All they do is go to their stupid pointless jobs and come home face book something about their children and then turn on the slave master box. Yes the T.V is your master and you are its slave and the idiot for becoming the slave.

Oh not you? You do not do this! Great pass this on to someone that is doing it this very second. You probably have a husband, wife, child, cousin that is currently watching something retarded somewhere or has a program they are addicted to. That is why it is called a program it is MIND programming. HA! HA! HA! Get it?? I made a funny!

Wait! That was not funny was it…oh that is only funny in shows like Family Guy.

I can now take a serious issue like rape or murder add some blood and guts to a cartoon character make the situation look hilarious and suddenly everyone laughs. I can become a billionaire within six months on everyone else’s pain! How awesome is that? Yeah rape is looking sexy through bondage jokes and murder looks funny through a cartoon character getting beat by a stick or hit by a car….

We have just taken a type of pain most of you carry and made it hilarious. This helps numb your own inner pain because now it becomes funny to you. You can now think of the rape or molestation that happened to you or whatever the case may be and think of a cartoon character.

This technique was designed by the Nazi’s to control the masses. It is called MK Ultra Programming. Yes the torture of humans is supposed to be illegal and I am sure celebrities willingly shave their head because it is the new style…not because a handler is really putting electrical probes on their head and electrocuting them until they feel almost dead.

Then they leave the body and they call it the Monarch butterfly and they float above the body. While this happens the person is out of the body and cannot control what is going onto the physical so the handler can literally create a second person. Sometimes the Handler will torture that individual. Other times it is someone else like a psychiatrist.  This is why you have disorders such as Split Personality Disorder.

This is okay in fact they drug the victims so they do not even remember this happened to them. Often times this training starts before the age of six. The person will  only wake up and see the Handler who is then freeing them from the torture they just caused. Making the victim believe that the Handler is good and is protecting them. No matter who dues the torturing the Handler or whoever it is that person is met to trust for life will appear as the rescuer….to create unlimited open free trust between the two.

This allows manipulation from anywhere at any point. That victim does not want to let that person down who saved them. So they will do whatever they say anything to not lose that relationship with them.

The T.V. is like that performers handler in your life. It takes the pain that you or someone close to you experienced and plays it back to you in a way that is exciting or funny.

If you have never experienced pain in your own life then the idea of causing pain might become funny to you. Everyone else laughs when Brian the Dog gets hit by a car. So maybe it is funny in real life. What happens when we take a 6 year old child and they watch only the T.V. while the parents are at work all day? One day that six year old is now sixteen learning to drive. The zombie shows, the cartoons, the guns, the rape and other nasty things are now funny. If I do this I will be popular and cool because everyone laughs!

I have heard everyone loves a dirty joke.

You are under the joke if you pay for cable. They call it a contract for a reason. It binds you to the T.V.  A contract means a bind or a bond. You pay for it every month missing out on other things during the year such as a vacation. That will later cause resentment and pain within the family because you chose an electronic device over a sibling, a mom, dad, child, cousin, aunt, uncle or maybe your best friend like your very husband or wife. As those relationships weaken you will cling harder to someone else’s reality as well as someone else’s humor in pain.

After all you have lost everything that was real. So now I must ask you WHO IS YOUR HANDLER?

I laugh at this: You call this a Christian Nation. You pray and go to church but stuff like this makes the ratings????
Websites such as this one should make the ratings

My Rebuttle.. I Look Down on Young Women who Have kids

To really understand where this blog is going you need to read this blog called I look down on Young Women Who have kids by Amy Glass. I have posted Amy’s words in bold. My words are Italic.

Every time I hear someone say that feminism is about validating every choice a woman makes I have to fight back vomit.

You are right the Feminism movement is everywhere and every choice you make does validate you as a young woman. Women have the right to look elegant and attractive at the same time or simply look like a two cent hooker. Just appreciate your right to vote and own land. Those were the two main purposes of the feminist movement. So I really do not see the point in this feminism movement that keeps going on in the United States. I am a female and I do not feel like my rights are unequal to a males rights.

Do people really think that a stay at home mom is really on equal footing with a woman who works and takes care of herself? There’s no way those two things are the same. It’s hard for me to believe it’s not just verbally placating these people so they don’t get in trouble with the mommy bloggers.

Why should a married person who cannot have kids be a good slave to the system? I do not have kids and I am my own boss at home. Yes some people can work at home without kids. I will admit some days I work in pajama pants and a hoodie. It is winter time. Oh I cook at home from scratch. I am sorry I do not look pretty every day but turmeric stains everything! What makes me sorry is you are concerned about the looks of women instead of what they do with their time at home.

Having kids and getting married are considered life milestones. We have baby showers and wedding parties as if it’s a huge accomplishment and cause for celebration to be able to get knocked up or find someone to walk down the aisle with. These aren’t accomplishments, they are actually super easy tasks, literally anyone can do them. They are the most common thing, ever, in the history of the world. They are, by definition, average. And here’s the thing, why on earth are we settling for average?

Once again you are right before I knew I could not have children I did the whole get married thing. Anyone can do it especially at a courthouse. Making it work is the accomplishment. It is a gigantic accomplishment if you stay married to one person until the day you die. It is even more of an accomplishment to raise successful kids that are not spoiled and ignorant. If you can keep your children away from violence, horrible music, and porn your doing it right. If your child graduates high school and pursues their own dreams you did something right.

If women can do anything, why are we still content with applauding them for doing nothing?

I want to have a shower for a woman when she backpacks on her own through Asia, gets a promotion, or lands a dream job not when she stays inside the box and does the house and kids thing which is the path of least resistance. The dominate cultural voice will tell you these are things you can do with a husband and kids, but as I’ve written before, that’s a lie. It’s just not reality.

Apparently you do not read other people’s blogs that much do you? There are parents who do awesome trips with their kids because they do this little thing called homeschool. Traveling the world with the kids becomes a history, science, religion, culture, and art class in one day! I feel bad for parents that depend on the public school system. They spend a lot of time at a hard working job instead of living life with the kids.

You will never have the time, energy, freedom or mobility to be exceptional if you have a husband and kids.

I hear women talk about how “hard” it is to raise kids and manage a household all the time. I never hear men talk about this. It’s because women secretly like to talk about how hard managing a household is so they don’t have to explain their lack of real accomplishments. Men don’t care to “manage a household.” They aren’t conditioned to think stupid things like that are “important.”

You do not understand Chivalry do you? Plato wrote about Atlantis and how the men would spend many years building a home for there future wife by hand. Men during this time prepared to be with a woman one day. It was considered an insult to a mans character if he did not build a house by the time he met this lady. A man that could not accomplish this was considered lazy and ignorant. Usually they were sent to a slave camp. They were smart back then they understood a man that is not prepared for anything will certainly not be prepared to handle life with another person. Women are expected to take care of the home the man built for them by hand. There is nothing wrong with keeping your home clean. In fact this day in age it is an accomplishment. Maybe you should You Tube Hoarders. I cannot imagine the messiness of your home Amy if you feel that taking care of a home is not important.

Women will be equal with men when we stop demanding that it be considered equally important to do housework and real work. They are not equal. Doing laundry will never be as important as being a doctor or an engineer or building a business. This word play is holding us back.

This brings me back to the first part the feminist movement. We are all created equal I really hope you do not live in the United States because that is the foundation of our rights. You obviously do not support the rights of the people if you do not believe that we were all created equally. Please get off this planet. There are private space flights you can sign up for. Since you most likely carry one of these titles I bet you can afford to do so.
Doctors promote medications and gain an income whenever they sell you a new one that came out. Lawyers can be manipulative to win a case. Sure if you like selling out the health of a sick person to gain a bonus be a doctor. I heard herbologists are in…….a title is not everything.

I Look Down On Young Women With Husbands And Kids And I’m Not Sorry