Happiness in a Non Happy World

It seems most of the population is on some kind of drug for depression or anger. It is easier to drug ourselves then to face our own pain or help another person deal with their pain. In fact we do something really horrible we recommend our loved ones to professional help instead of helping them ourselves or helping ourselves with us.

Why do we need professionals to deal with things that humans have dealt with since they were created?

Get over yourself you are human it is not shocking that because you are on this planet the following will happen if it has not already to you:

  • Broken heart
  • Loss of Life
  • Disability
  • Trust Broken
  • Some kind of Abuse
  • Debt

If you think you are the only one going through the event you are going through you are wrong. There are over 7 billion other people on this planet right now and billions more across the galaxy! We are only one planet!

Instead of drugging ourselves further we need to wake up and embrace the pain that way we can heal it.

Your Heart was Broken

The first mistake was believing that your relationship was guaranteed through words or paper from another human who is a species that changes every day. Just like you change every day. You do not wear the same colors, style, eat the same food, watch the same shows, or read the same books you did at ten do you? Of course not! So why do you think that your love that you had as a teenager or in your twenties would not change at lets say age 30? The first step to being in a relationship is understanding it is never going to be forever. Why? Because your body is going to die anyway! It might not have been your fault that person change people just do through diet, religion, friends, work, etc. Chances are your life style no longer matches the other persons and you no longer fit like a glove should fit when you are together! Do not fight about it if you have tried to make the differences work! It is okay to move on and remain friends that way you can treasure the years you had together. If you cant remain friends the only thing left is hate between something that was once beautiful. If it was not beautiful  you would never have had it in the first place right? So figure out what went wrong scrap what was bad but come together on what was good even if it means just stepping away from the romance side of it and saying hey we got along best as friends! Can we be friends again? Live up to that and show the person that you once were with in a different way the same respect you would give any friend of yours.

Do not sit and dwell on what might have been or what could have been. Instead look at yourself and ask yourself why was your heart broken in the first place and how can I love again? Did you love yourself first or were you searching for that acceptance you needed from you in other people? Do you feel bad about yourself while you are by yourself? If you answered yes to that last question that is why you are feeling broken. The reasons why you may feel bad about yourself may or may not be your fault. No one can love you like you!  Ask yourself what goals did you give up to be in that relationship? What things on your life bucket list do you have left to achieve? Can you learn to love you and how?  That is how you move forward from a broken heart. You do not do it by numbing your emotions through drugs. You create new goals, embrace the loss, and move on! Another important question: Do you need another relationship again or do you need to work on you for awhile first?

Loss of Life

Once again you know when you make a friend or fall in love that person will one day die. Why does it shock you when they die? If it did chances are you are not mourning them passing you are mourning the moments you did not have/will never have. Or the things that you will never say or were left unsaid. You cannot correct what you didn’t get done with that person before they died. You can take the memories and the lessons they taught you and live the best life possible to remember them by! That is what you do! You do not stick to wanting them around you. Live life as if they were by your side because they are! They are simply invisible to your human eye. One day you will see them again just in a different place or a different form. If you are sad over the loss of life right now be happy because that person is no longer in pain and they are not waiting for a nuke to be dropped on their heads like we are all waiting on currently! Be happy for them that they don’t have to pay taxes! There is no need to take medication for what the human does naturally which is cry and feel anger when someone passes on. It is okay to feel those emotions but do not remain stuck in those emotions. Remaining stuck is bad. Do you understand?


For some reason we think that because we are born healthy that we are invinsible to bad things happening to us. Things that do not seem fair. Take it from a person who has a chronic issue its not going to get better any time soon or ever! Get over it! In fact embrace the idea of it could get worse! Yes I did that! I embraced the idea that my body could get worse! Why would I do such a thing that’s depressing??!?? Fighting the idea that it could get better is more exhausting that’s why! If I wake up one morning and not one part of me hurts and I can run two miles then well that’s a cure! However in the mean time I appreciate how my body is for that day. Tomorrow it could be so bad I might not even be able to walk without oxygen on. Keeping that in the back of my brain I make sure I do what I can to prevent that from happening every day. That prevention includes a vegan diet, exercise regimen, hot showers, and lots of cannabis. Until I wake up and cannot crawl out of bed I will appreciate every day no matter how I feel. The days that I am in severe pain I embrace it because I became stronger when I got out of it! I became stronger when I learned what I did wrong to trigger that pain to begin with! My pain brings me one step closer to that cure. By telling myself that it can get worse I have not set my mind or body up for failure. It allows me to love me no matter how I feel!

Trust Broken

Okay so once again being human you are going to make relationships that involve trust. Usually the first line of trust that is broken is with our parents with the Santa concept. If you keep the trust within yourself you will be fine. Always trust yourself and have a back up plan. Do not blame others when they do something that goes against the trust bond. That goes back to Love and people change and ideas change. Once again why are you shocked the trust was broken? The solution is repairing the damage. If it was a financial loss then you had to many material goods to begin with. You should never own more then what your wallet can handle in the first place. so if you lost trust over a money issue that is probably your fault. If someone screwed you over in that money issue you should have never taken that loan or helped with that loan to begin with. I do not care if it was family whenever you leave yourself open to help someone you leave yourself open to be screwed. On the flipside you risk making a great friend/relationship by helping if it goes right! The risk is yours!


Man that’s tough! I am so sorry if its happened to you! Your right its not fair. Its not fair all your weaknesses were insulted and your fears became real. It is not fair that your strengths were not supported. Yes go ahead and cry it is okay! Do not be angry. Let me explain why. Of course you will feel anger that you were taken advantage of. No it was not your fault it was probably out of your league and your surroundings became to much. Ask yourself why were you abused? People abuse others without realizing it because the abuser: Is suffering themselves! The damage was obviously done to you so what you need to do now is embrace that damage. Embrace your pain. Then decide will you let it control you? Of course not! Your abuser would win and it would just cause you to unknowingly pass on the abuse to the next innocent victim! Do a double take of our life. Are you defensive when you meet someone new or are in a new situation? If you are that is okay you are afraid of being hurt again. But those natural defenses you build to avoid abuse can often push the Good People away who want to help you. In fact it can turn other good people into good people with negative attitudes about other people! Nobody enjoys being pushed away. If you are being asked to receive help talk about the way that the person can help you. Explain to them why you are afraid of getting close. 

You Owe or Someone Owes you

If you are depressed because someone owes you something then relax you should have seen it as a gift when you gave it away in the first place! You were only helping that person stay in debt longer when you co-signed that loan for your kid or parent. When you say No to money in relationships you can receive phrases like “F You!” ” Get away from me!” “Your nothing but a user” ” But you already own a house and a car and I don’t have anything!”……

Those phrases are not for you to worry about. In fact it is all the person who is in trouble already just being mad because they have to see the problem for themselves. Let them have their fit and if they refuse to talk to you even if it is family that is okay too. You do not need a CHILD to throw a FIT. Someone with that mindset is obviously a Child and what does an Adult do with a Child? You shut the door and step away while they throw the fit! When they want to talk you listen…but only listen if they are not being insulting and rude! Yes your 50 year old uncle screaming at you is a CHILD! Obviously!

The only way you can help in this situation without being screwed in the future is by Education!

You have to educate the person why they are in debt and how they can get to where you are at in life! Show them their own tools and creativity and help them embrace it! They are obviously feeling short of ideas so they want temporary relief from you..you are not a bank you are human being.

So show them how to have Permanent relief and teach them to embrace themselves!

If you owe money the issue is that you were not patient enough for the item you felt like you needed at the time. Sure it might have been a good idea. If you lost your job do not sit and keep reapplying in the same field of work for years on end. Obviously that field of work will not get you anywhere anymore and you need to use your brain. So go to the library or consult with a few other broke friends or relatives and figure out how to group the creativity together to create income and balance! Yelling, screaming, taking out another loan will not fix your issue. Cutting back on the cable, cell phone bill, and extra things will. Sure it sucks you no longer have a status ego behind your name.

People will know something changed. It is okay because they are only human also…

You are human and so is everyone else so please…

Instead of popping another pill or going to the psychiatrist today can you please take your Monday off and embrace the pain?


My thought in the wee hours of the AM


I feel like I am stuck in a gigantic male locker room with each country claiming their piece of land and system is bigger and  better then the other one. It does not matter the size or the performance if each person in the locker room has an STD!  

So why does it matter if the leaders of your country are yelling and screaming that they are bigger and better then the other one? It does not. It wont matter who is bigger or better or what laws, policies, and trade deals went wrong on each end when that red button is pushed. One nuclear device impacts everyone. Regardless of what your media is telling you or your leader do you feel like one human from another country is honestly better then the other one? Do you feel like every person from that other country is your enemy? Or maybe they were simply born somewhere without a choice? Maybe the media is making us all enemies by throwing labels out such as patriot, terrorist, communist, socialist, republican, democrat, etc. hmmmm….

Maybe just maybe we are none of those labels and we are all just a race who needs to start supporting and loving our earth.

Our labels are simply a distraction into making our brains feel like we have something to scream about and stay frustrated over. The pharmaceutical industry makes bank due to war time depression meds no matter what country your from.  The factories will re open to create tanks, missiles, etc and your husbands and sons will be sent out without a guarantee they will come home. Not only will it be your sons this time…now your daughters are at risk of going. All for a chunk of that GOLD PIE it tastes great but man it leaves you bloated and weak. If you eat to much it will kill you.

Keep this all in mind before we decide we need to scream that USA is better then Russia or Russia is better then the USA. Or the Middle east is full of terrorist and the USA is full of infidels. We all know those statements are not truth!

No your religion will not save you either however your intelligence and knowledge will.

Do not fear educate yourself! Go read some ancient history…..NOW.

You may exit the locker room now…the door is on the right….

Iranian Minister pleads with Obama to release……..AREA 51 COVER UP….

President Barack Obama, call the scientists. Open up Area 51 to the scientists to the world, because you America are the leader that Allah God has raised and made you powerful that he might make himself known through you,” Farrakhan said. “And if America calls the scientists of the earth to such place, they will respond.”-Louis Farrakhan Iranian Minister

This should have made mainstream news right???? Could every issue from the middle east be stemming from this? Click the link below to read more……I will not post more on this just read it you need to make your own educated opinion. I am just a messenger…..


My deep thoughts of the evening….

You say you do not love money but you still rent or pay a mortgage…

How strong is your faith? Oh its not in the physical hand so therefore it is not real. Money fills the physical hand…everything else runs through it…air….you cant hold it. Food…it will melt, crumble or rot. Water you can freeze it and hold it but the glove costs money. Try to hold that water without the glove….it will run out of your hand as well.

Everything you PHYSICALLY  NEED cannot be held in your hand…..

Think about that for a second…then ask yourself

  • What shape is faith?
  • What does faith taste like?
  • What does faith smell like?
  • How does faith feel on your skin?

You cannot even hold onto a human hand forever….eventually it would sweat and the skin would decompose in your very hand……..

Did you Forget?

What the birds sound like? I am really curious. Lately society has killed the birds by building housing plots, corporations, Wi-Fi boxes, etc. Most of you have forgotten what a bird sounds like. I am here to remind you.

Imagine if every city was bulldozed in the morning…..what would it be like to hear what you are about to hear instead of sirens…Or rap music..

Close your eyes and imagine with me….Imagination is all there is left…most of the birds are dead thanks to the greed of all of us.

The Lesbian Gay Transgender community

This is a touchy subject and one that can cause problems such as death threats. I am going to risk it all and say what needs to be said. Look I am straight and I am happy to be that way. Just like I do not want my rights to be threatened I do not want to see the rights of people who live alternative lifestyles threatened. Just like I want to be happy I recognize the happiness others wish to pursue.

With that being said here are my problems with this rights issue.

1. Buisinesses are being forced to create wedding cakes for those that pursue same sex marriage even though they do not believe in it.

Look I know it sucks you might not be able to buy the cake that you want or that dress whatever it is you are being denied because of your sexuality. That is really a painful thing that others cannot see that two humans want to buy something to celebrate the commitment they are making. Considering the fact the economy is hurting it is kind of lame that small buisinesses would not want the money drawn into the location. Lets talk about beliefs for a second. Not every Religion supports the idea of equal marriage among everyone. When others protest against that business because they do not support equal marriage rights its inflicting right issues against that business. THE RIGHT TO PURSUE RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.  Those that do not accept your  il”legal” tender are not telling you they hate you but they do not want to sell out their religious beliefs for Gold. Does that make sense? It is kind of like a celebrity that claims Christianity (Katie Perry) but then tells little girls to be famous they must sell their soul to the Devil. No I am not saying you are selling your soul to the devil by supporting the same gender community. That is not it at all. However you are selling out your beliefs if you choose to support it even though your religious beliefs say not to. Does that make sense? I hope it does.

The Solution: Find a business who does not care who you are or what you believe. Who simply do a good job and want to make money. Maybe you can find a business that DOES support YOUR marriage. Wouldn’t you rather work with someone anyway who is happy for you? Genuinely happy? I know I would vs someone who is putting angry energy into my wedding cake.

 You need to find good local quality goods without suing someone over your rights. When you sue someone over your rights you are denying them of their own rights. Nobody wants rights denied either way. It is not fair for a business to make CNN or Fox News for refusing service and being sued.

Celebs Speaking Out

It makes me sad that we live in a society full of insecure people who feel the need to have to speak out on their sexuality. It does not affect me who you are with or what you do. I love the talent that celebrities share with us. I do not love their sexuality whether they are straight or not. We follow you because you have a skill and we admire it. We do not want to be influenced by others sexual decisions and choices. We need to move on past the barbaric mindset of sexuality separation. It really is no big deal who someone else loves unless it is involved with your children or marriage directly. Which then it becomes a personal problem. I hope that it does you love your children no matter who they are or what they are for who they are. The Divine created them therefore they deserve to be loved? Got it? Love does not include judgment. Love includes learning and growth. Ellen Page recently spoke out and I remember her for her talent in movies like Juno and the other one where she was in that skating competition. I love her spirit as a person I believe she is a young centered good person who can do amazing things. Did I care she is not straight? No. I love her talent and the good she brings to the world. At least the good I HOPE she does bring. Sexuality has nothing to do with it.

Gender in the Military

If I am a straight person who is married or single I do not want to have to worry about someone that is non straight to hit on me if I was in the military. That is a fear of mine having males hit on me and it happens. Rape on both sides happen. That is the scary fact. Women would bunk with women to separate the rape risk between men and women. Men chill with men in the sleeping quarters to avoid women from raping them. Now what if you have someone that is the same sex who has an addiction? This leaves straight men and women potentially open to not be in a safe place. I have been almost raped by someone of the same sex as me. It is not a fun experience an unfortunately this does happen. It is scary to have another female try to climb on top of you against your consent. I shoved this person backwards and they did not get very far. Sadly this is not the circumstance every person experiences. Rape happens in both the straight and the non straight communities. Can we have females who like females and males who like males in the same sleeping quarters without rape occurring? I hope and pray as a society one day we can. Until every person grows up and can look at someone without seeing breasts or the penis and they only see a human being we will never see a safe environment like that. Until then we need to find away to allow people of any gender to safely pursue a career. I hope that makes sense. It is not anything against lesbians or gays it is simply as a straight person I do not want to be held down by a female or two who thinks I am sexy. Once again this was almost my reality and it does happen.

Family Acceptance

If your parents do not accept you or another family member does not for who you are know that is okay. That does not make them a bad person they simply cannot digest it considering the religion. If they are threatening towards you that is very sad because no matter who we are or what we do or have done we are still human beings. That is the thing all of us are human. If you do have someone that is close to you that is this way try to move past the religious side of it and love that family member because they are a human being. Look at the good that they do not just what you see as bad.

Religious Acceptance

Please do not force what you want to do on another religion that is not very fair. Just like you want freedom to live your life without persecution so do people of certain religions. Unfortunately Priests and Pastors receive death threats for refusing services. Unfortunately people who ask for services or permission to get married receive death threats. Is it fair on either end? No never. It is not. There are states that allow Court house marriages. There are churches that allow same sex marriages. Find one that SUPPORTS you. Do not force someone to support you through suing. That is not okay. You are literally wrecking someone else’s life over your beliefs? There own financial stability? Is it okay to destroy others just to get a point across? I understand getting rid of businesses that support slave labor or child labor. Getting rid of a business or a church because it does not support a lifestyle is barbaric.

Am I living in the Middle Ages?

What’s my time period Again?

The LBGT community is actually causing distractions from other issues like:




We create war by forcing the rights of other people on others who do not wish to have them. Look at the conquering of the Catholic Church…????? Forcing Jesus on others did not create world peace nor will it ever. Just like forcing the same sex issue on straight people will not help them accept you it will only make them angry at you as they see their own religious rights dissolve. Once again work with businesses and organizations that support you!!!!!

If this pollution continues you will never get to enjoy being married anyway. You will simply hold the hand of the one you love while you both die of cancer or suffocation. It is your pick at the current pollution rates. Can we stop focusing on the rights of everyone and do something so we can have rights to live for???? Because none of us are going to live long if we keep allowing chemtrails to happen just sayin.

Once again what time period am I living in? Why do people work for only a few cents a day in this “modern” society just so I can go to FailMart and buy my goods at a low low cost. It is not a low cost when other people are beat or work in cold conditions or conditions that are to hot. Or a child skips out on learning to read because they are paying for their disabled parents. Should you be allowed to buy a rug that a child broke their back over to make? No that should be against everyones rights. But unfortunately it is not.

When will we stop being distracted by an issue that should not be an issue to begin with?????

Can we please move on no matter what community we are involved with and choose to focus on a better society? It will not be created through screaming about marriage. We need to be screaming about pollution, genocide, war, greed, poverty, and modern slavery.

Nobody wants their daughter sold to a pimp as a sex slave. As long as a family is starving someone’s son or daughter has a price on their head.

Please realize debates like this are simply a DISTRACTION from what is REAL.

P.S. I am a straight person who loves everyone and I really do not care who you love. If you feel like you want to be married go ahead and do that. If a piece of paper tells you that you are in love then go get that piece of paper. Because that is all your love will become that LEGAL TENDER to BENEFITS as a COUPLE. Is there love in money? No. So if you want that piece of paper like a straight person can go get go ahead and get it. You deserve to be equally as miserable under a piece of paper as the straight community has been for thousands of years. Look at the divorce rates if you do not believe me.

That piece of paper does not define LOVE. -END RANT



Look at Bit Coin and how powerful it is becoming. Nations are slowly trading in the gold for this bitcoin. Soon this ONE company will own all of the Gold. Leaving us nothing but a virtual currency.

Jump into a time travel machine and go back ten years. Even twenty. Micro chips were slowly becoming a huge part of our lives by our choice.

  • Buy a cell phone-9/11/01 Terrorism could happen anywhere
  • Microchip your pets- You might lose them
  • Microchip your kids through the cell phone. Kid tracking Apps Parents? Come on I know you are interested…oh to know what your child does all the time! Its better then your mother finding your diary! Jack POT! Yes you can know when your little Sheila lights up a joint.

Now fast forward to 2018 Bitcoin owns all the gold because we saw value in internet currency. Well I shouldn’t say we. I am not a part of this fluff.

Add on a few extra terrorism fears hear and there a few more shooting fears because every town and city has a village idiot or ten.

Combine a tracking chip that goes under the skin and add bit coin to it.

You have 666 aka the Mark of the Beast

Hello and welcome to reality

You have now awakened to the fact that maybe a Revelations of some kind whether your Christian or not does exist. You wake up to realize that soon everything will be bought and sold without a currency.

Soon you will realize that you are owned by man when you receive the mark.

How will you avoid this?

No I am not saying any religion is right or wrong. I do not really care what religion you are. It is more of an issue of who is going to own you?

Or is it cool to be a robot now?

Does Gold really define me as a human being? What about my house? My car? My cell Phone? My non existant Facebook Account?

Who my friends are?

Does that all make me..me?

How can I just live out in nature away from all of it. How can one live in nature without being called homeless or a bum? WHAT IF I DONT WANT THIS STUFF?????????????????????

How does one live when they are told they are wrong every day with these questions?


How can one continue to accept Gold when you realize how it is made? Through pollution and the blood of my neighbors in another state from another water poisoning.

How is it okay to sell out my neighbors?

Are we selling our souls? For Gold?






Another daily Ponderation topic

This Seattle Seahawks stuff is some serious fluff. It does not make sense at all. We can get an ESTIMATED 500,000 people TOGETHER across the GLOBE for a PARADE in Seattle.

I am severely ashamed. Not for my country no. I love the idea of Freedom. PEOPLE make me ashamed. (ignore this if you do not care about football or this stupid event. This is not directed at every person in the world. So do not take it personally unless you are guilty.)

 This is what I despise. Obama said the approval of Congress no longer matters. AKA: YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS NO LONGER EXIST.

Hundreds of thousands of people can gather within a week to celebrate their foot ball gods but they cannot at least speak out in a large group PEACEFULLY regarding our rights.


Schools were called off!!!!!!!!

Football is more important then our education are you kidding me???

It will NOT feed you, Clothe you, shelter you, or give you love. It certainly will not help you sleep.

You have to learn to be independent children need LEARNING!


All people can do is praise and bow down to players.

What would happen if Jesus came down from wherever he comes from and saw that?

No there is no more redemption at least in my book. That is why there is a savior everyone is waiting for. This savior person would have to have the patience that only the DIVINE can contain to deal with this amount of stupidity.

In the meantime I am going to listen to some Art Bell or something while people do stupid things.

Go ahead tell me I am raining on your parade and crushing your freedom because I think YOUR parade is STUPID

Just like Santa is stupid

These players will never do anything for me personally.

Therefore I do not care. The water is being poisoned across America right now so I have better things to worry about.

I am bored

I am bored and working is pointless. Not work itself. No I am not a lazy person I believe working for Gold is pointless. Working for a mineral “Good Girl!” is never going to get me anywhere. Its like Kindergarten for adults. Now the kid that behaves the best gets the candy bar. At least that’s what it was in my classroom in the 90s when I was a kid.

I call it mind training. If they can get you to work for candy as a child certainly you can learn to be a “Good adult” later and work for a mineral. It is amazing you all sacrifice family time only to find out you die and cannot take your house with you.

Within 4 generations the hard work you did for that house that the Monarchy really owns will be forgotten about and trashed. The kid that inherited it might remember the hard work you did for it. But their child won’t. They will not know you therefore they will never really respect you. Look at our United States Constitution….

We screwed that up didn’t we? (if a society can screw up a constitution your land and house are screwed!!!!)

You are working hard and losing time that you can never replaced. So what if you quit everything sold everything and simply went for a walk….

I am bored and I am going to go for a walk….

I am preparing now and I leave in 2015…

Yes there will be a blog on this so stay tuned…

I decided to do this because I got bored the other day. The super bowl news was pissing me off and its all I have heard about for a damn month now. It does not help that the day of my birthday falls on a Satanic Holiday just my fracking Karma! I am really sick of society and its b.s. so its time to go for a walk.

I went on a walk that was random and I did not stop until I was exhausted…in total 20 miles!

2015 will be epic!

How bored are you? Are you bored and pissed off enough yet to just say screw it and do something random? Or are you to attached to the Almighty Gold Oil and Diamonds aka the Eloheim?

Or do you love the Good? Yes there is something that rules higher then the Eloheim…

Have a good walk and I hope you take one!


A Public Experiment

If any of you are empathic you will understand when I say everything hurts around me. Am I weird that when I step outside I cannot relax? I see power lines above my head and I feel like I am in jail. A person can no longer just see sky.

In fact you cannot drive 200 miles anymore without running into a McDonald’s.  This is a deeply personal side of me that I keep quiet because there is little I can do other then vent about it. I am only one person and there is nothing really I can do on my own regarding this. As long as you keep supplying money to the wrong things free energy will continue to be an impossible dream to have. People have accomplished this and power lines could be abolished completely but the almighty Gold Oil and Diamonds rule. It is even put on the dollar bill. Catch my drift of why we trust Gold Oil and Diamonds? (Hint look at the symbols in the 3 bold letters above this. Please tell me you are awake enough to catch this. )

If I vent to someone other then another empath I am considered weird and outdated. You just do not get it and your attitude will hold back progress. No my attitude will not. I love the internet for educational purposes however the majority of the people waste there time on games with out any higher goal. Other then just getting rid of time. Once again Google the Nag Hammadi Library and open your mind. You cannot tell me you are bored and there is nothing to do.

Lately my nerves have been on fire and my endocrine system has been going insane. It creates a lot of pain behind the ears and in the skull. I figure this has to do with maybe living in the wrong climate, increased pollution, and electrical pollution everywhere.

I have been doing a lot of research lately into the power of sound. I am only sharing this personal side of myself because maybe there are other people on this Universe that understand but cannot explain the feelings of jail and being trapped. I cannot just escape out to the country because power lines run across the fields. Good luck escaping to the ocean wi-fi channels are being put under my local Puget sound for boat communication. If you speak out against things like this you get shut down very quickly in fact other people who do not mind the progression will do all they can to ridicule you and make you feel out dated. This treatment makes me want to leave my Galaxy for a much purer place. In this place I am an outcast.

The Experiment

Listen to music and only music for a month that is set at 432 hz. This means controlling what I listen to all the time. Impossible you say? I say it is not. All you have to do is You Tube 432 hz music and do not watch any T.V. or listen to any regular radio for a month. Talk radio should be okay as long as you turn the radio on mute during commercials.

The Goal

  • Take down pain with sound
  • Enhance the function of DMT production and the third eye
  • Enhance memory
  • Heal the nervous system
  • Calm down my own anger

I believe music is a very powerful healing tool. If you do not believe me listen to this track and close your eyes. I promise you will feel more grounded afterwards.